Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Christ-like Attributes during Holy Week

This past week we have been reading the end of Mormon, and the beginning of Ether. What I have loved so much about this week has been that it has been the Holy Week, and being able to study the scriptures, and remember Christ has helped me to feel closer to Him. I hope that I can share some of what I’ve learned about the Savior this week. Some attributes that I have learned about Christ, and His true followers is that they have so much love that it is amazing. This is seen in many ways, and leads to a great many other attributes. The first attribute that we talked about is how it is very hard to offend Christ, and people that are Christ-like. This is seen in Mormon 7, when Mormon is writing to the Lamanites, and he talks about his hope for them, and how he wants them to know about their parents, and their heritage. This shows that even though the Lamanites killed almost all of the Nephites, and were blood thirsty for Mormon’s blood as well, he forgave them, and had enough love for them that he hoped they would accept Christ as their Savior. Another attribute I realized from this past week is that Christ loves us so much that He will stretch us so that we can be the best that we possibly can. However, He isn’t going to just stretch us to a small goal, but He’ll stretch us further than we think we can go, then He will tell us that we’re doing well, but we have further to go. I saw this in the travels of the Jaredites. When they come to the seashore, they pitched their tents, and stayed there for a few years. However, the Lord came to them, and said, “Go to work and build, after the manner of barges which ye have hitherto built.” Along with this, the Lord won’t just suddenly make us stretch further than we can, but He will give us experiences so that we can make the long stretch that He has prepared for us. Another thing I have remembered is how Christ and Heavenly Father want us to become something, and also to get somewhere. However, becoming something is slightly more important, because if we don’t become who we need to be, we can’t get to where we need to go.

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